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1 May 2024

3 minutes to read

Supporting students with public speaking anxiety in a seminar room

What is public speaking anxiety, and how does it affect university students? According to some studies, approximately 10 % of the students at UK universities acknowledge that they struggle with severe social anxiety, and the number of students with a milder form of a fear of oral assessment and public speaking before…

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22 November 2023

3 minutes to read

Taking account of student experiences of eco-grief and eco-anxiety when incorporating sustainable development goals into teaching

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated many changes in higher education, including a greater focus on online learning. However, another key trend has been growing efforts to incorporate the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into university curricula. This reflects a wider recognition that higher education institutions have a crucial role to play in…

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17 October 2023

2 minutes to read

Embedding wellbeing from the get-go: exploring best practices in teaching that promote student wellbeing

The pandemic has put student mental health under the spotlight. With all the changes in higher education, how do we make sure wellbeing stays front and centre? This post reflects on research and practice around whole university approaches to wellbeing and shares some practical strategies for embedding wellbeing into teaching. Why Focus…

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16 March 2022

3 minutes to read

Exploring the benefits of compassion – in education and in life

Over 500 people from around the world attended the University’s first Festival of Compassion in November. Held over 10 days, the festival hosted a wide range of free online and on-campus activities to explore how we can foster compassion to build stronger communities. The diverse events included:

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22 September 2021

2 minutes to read

Transforming our education during the pandemic

At the start of a new academic year, now is a good time to pause and reflect for a moment on how the University responded to the unprecedented challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic, and what we can learn from that response.

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15 July 2021

4 minutes to read

Opportunities and challenges of digital learning: an interview with Professor Tim Quine, DVC Education

Emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic will bring challenges and opportunities for education, and three Exeter students recently had the chance to quiz Professor Tim Quine, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education), to canvass his views.

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24 June 2021

4 minutes to read

Bringing learning back to campus through The Festival of Discovery

Over 400 events took place on campus in the University’s inaugural Festival of Discovery. Held over a 2-week period from late May, the event aimed to bring our whole university community closer together to enjoy a range of on-campus and online activities.               “I loved the…

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19 May 2021

4 minutes to read

Building social connections between students during the pandemic

University life is about more than just studying. It’s about building social connections – friendships and relationships that can shape you forever. These social connections with peers are crucial to students’ success and overall wellbeing. But establishing these connections

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student reading book in library

22 April 2021

3 minutes to read

Mindful classics: an ancient approach to wellbeing to support modern learners

As the Covid-19 pandemic has progressed, mental health has become almost as much of a concern as physical health. Uncertainty and long-term isolation have been identified as particular threats to overall wellbeing – with mindfulness often touted as a useful antidote.

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15 April 2021

4 minutes to read

Finding the ‘write path’: how writing groups help postgraduate researchers

Pandemic-era higher education conversations have tended to focus more on the issues of undergraduates and taught postgraduates, rather than postgraduate researchers (PGRs) – an issue repeatedly raised on a national stage by Professor Andrew McRae, Dean of Postgraduate Research and the Exeter Doctoral College. 

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3 March 2021

3 minutes to read

Serious Play: how LEGO® can help build learning communities and knowledge

Back-to-school supply lists commonly include items like notebooks and pens, but these days you might find an unexpected addition: LEGO® bricks. LEGO® is thought to be the world’s most popular building toy, and is a highly recognisable brand. Yet that wouldn’t usually recommend it for use in an educational setting. However, LEGO®…

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